Monday, May 11, 2009

Ever since I started working I've been wondering where this is all going.
There are many days I wake up feeling lost.
Things don't make sense to me. The world, people, everything.
It's as if I was living in a dream back in those Uni days and I'm waking up to the reality.

There are so much more think about now.
The work that you do, the constant pressure put on you to perform, the responsibilities. Not just the work that you do.
The people around you as well. Family, friends, relationships, everyone around you.
There is never enough balance between all these different groups of people.
Everyone expects something out of you and when you can't exceed their expectations they get frustrated and annoyed at you. Things falls apart after that. You try to think of the best way to do things but somehow, someway, something goes wrong.

This is the reality huh. But is this really the way that life is suppose to be?
A lot of people tells me I'm thinking too much. Maybe I am... But I can't help it.
I guess this is why you need to have a goal. Without one you're just one lost soul...
I can't say I have found my goal. But I will find it somewhere, somehow.... Hopefully I'll get there before I lose my mind. ^^"

2 comments: said...

Jia You my fren!!!!

we are always there...
and we are ready for anything.

Chang Kuan said...

Yeap, i feel lost too. But i guess being lost only can you find your way. Just be yourself and everything would be great.