Tuesday, August 5, 2008



萧亚轩 - 冲动

Nywayz, I know I haven't been updating much lately but I've been pretty busy with work =(. I can already imagine how it will be 10 times worse when I get a 'real' job. *Sighs... Let's just pray I'll find my self a job that I love in the future. That way, I won't have to drag myself to work every single day...

Onto another matter, I've been thinking about getting a hair cut one of these days. But I'm not too sure what I want. I feel like cutting it short. Not short short. But maybe to the length of just one inch longer than where my ears are. I'm still not very sure if I want to go on with that though... Any ideas anyone?


Chang Kuan said...

chai thinks cleopatra is stylo on jia!! Try try try... Sure look cute and evil...

bL3kJoN said...

cute and EVIL?

uh oh....

JiAAiJ said...

lol. jon does not like your suggestion~ i think i'll probly get a trim here 1st, then onto a 'serious' cut when i get back... dunno laaaa.. how howww?

Chang Kuan said...

of course u follow's jon's idea. he is ur other half. lolz.... i suggested that cause last time hiki did it and i think she looks cute and evil.. haha...

JiAAiJ said...

still thinking~ you'll see it soon :p